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Gemma and James Pre-Wedding Session

We knew we wanted some fun engagement images of Gemma and James to include the third family member Daisy a bouncy 8 month old Golden Retriever. When Gemma and James mentioned they liked the graffiti wall pictures we'd shown from a previous engagement shoot and that James was a keen skateboarder we knew that had to be part of the shoot.

We finished up at Hengisbury Head, it's 1 pound for adults and 20p for Daisy to travel on the land train from the car park and since we wanted some sunset images we didn't mind the walk back as the train stops running at 6pm (varies).

Some great images, Teri used our portable softbox for the image of Gemma and James against the sky and though I got some neat images of the couple one of my favourites is of Daisy pouncing onto a coke bottle just before she shot off to find one of us to throw it again for her :)

Graffiti Wall engagement image

James Graffiti Wall Dorset

Grafeti Wall Dorset

Graffiti Wall Dorset

Skateboard Graffiti Wall Engagement

Hengisbury Head Engagement Session

Hengisbury Head Daisy

Daisy Pre Wedding Beach

Beach Pre-Wedding Session

Daisy Pouncing on Coke Bottle

Beach Engagement Image

Hengisbury Head Beach Huts

Beach Huts Pre Wedding

Sunset Pre-Wedding Image